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Liberty (R)evolution
This is the ongoing story of a traveling collection of monuments; tuned talisman with a mission — a voice for Liberty custom created in the shadow of the Great Temple at the epic, even if woke
Burning Man Events. One purpose: To make Liberty hip again...

Artistry by Matthew “Timeless” Welter
Liberty (R)evolution is a collection of massive wooden statues carved with chainsaws and fire, a response to arson on Liberty itself. It’s a string of temporary installations into communities, all privately funded. It’s a cause with its very own fire-art form, itself created from disaster, now a ritual called Fire Inside. It’s roving performance art with a timeless message by and for a common people. It’s one word, shouted and whispered down millennia, yours for now but not for free: Liberty.

Inspiration by Prometheus

From the genesis of higher thought, the ember of Liberty descends. From farther back than impossibly advanced Sumer. Clay tablets record the word for Liberty. A word that points to a pre-diluvial golden age when "sky gods" reigned. And so down the centuries, spanning millennia, down the long lineage of orders and guilds the torch has passed, inspiring generations, re-kindling each each as it goes.

Now fire marks a collection of wooden statues; power objects branded with charred caverns and tunnels birthed in ritual ceremony, only to pay witness to the extreme antiquity and divine potential of Liberty.

Rooted in the culture-bending Burning Man events, Liberty (R)evolution first engaged. Took form in 2007, even as a real Liberty revolution raged...from the town halls of America to entire nations crippled with terror. And still the (R)evolution burns, spanning now a dozen years and four US presidents, each with a different vision for Liberty...

Artist Statement

If Liberty is the elixir of civilization then art its surest vessel, a stich in time, to remedy tomorrow’s oppression. Both demand — and provide renewal since, evolution would insist, whatever does not adapt does not survive. Liberty is the hard crust on the soft bread of freedom. By design it secures freedom and only from a foundation of evolving freedom can we ascend to  a higher platform. With these tools we ready ourselves for the ultimate liberation: Mastery over our own hearts and minds.


If history is kind, today’s monuments will inspire and record a quantum leap in human understanding, one not possible without Liberty.

—  Matthew “Timeless” Welter


Message in a bottle...

Using digital imaging, 3D printing and modern casting techniques, art collectors everywhere can now commission any piece in this collection to be replicated in any size, small to huge, cast in real bronze. The artist, a life-long poet has even penned a short rhyme for each that may be engraved into the surface, to explain Liberty to tomorrow’s children.

Background (Commission wood carvings):

Contact the artist: Matthew “Timeless” Welter / Tel: (775) 230-1718 

Location and mailing: 19163 Scotts Flat rd. Nevada City, CA 95959

© 2017 by Fire Inside Art. 

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