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We are Fire Inside Art

(I was a double agent at  the "woke" Burning Man events…)

"Because my studies revealed to me the extreme antiquity and divine promise of Liberty, I became the creator of massive monuments to underscore these truths. These monuments were custom made to mark the cause of Liberty at the culture-bending, annual Burning Man Events, staged in the bleak and baron Black Rock Dessert, NV. These wooden statues now comprise an art collection which speaks to the future. Taken against the backdrop of history, this collection is likely to accrue both value and values, as history part to insure the survival of Liberty.

— Timeless


Message in a bottle...

In the age of communications, the greatest challenge remains sending sound values down history, but sculpture is unsurpassed for this purpose. Now, by digital magic, sculptures can be enlarged or reduced to any size and cast in impervious bronze. A life-long poet, Timeless has penned some short messages; one rhyme for each sculpture, and these can now be engraved into the surface of their prospective, large replications or embedded in the base of smaller ones. This will literally carry their message farther down time than any book or film ever can. Soon these replications will grace homes, grounds, offices and high-pro public spaces, all tended by loving people — and better than any government ever can.

Learn about commissioning a replicated sculpture, custom made for your setting: / 775-230-1718

Tuning a talisman...

The Liberty (R)evolution Collection has in part been created at the enigmatic, modern-day acropolis known as Burning Man (That’s where Timeless acquired his curious pseudonym). This is a global culture where “fire art” reigns, so, for a dozen years, we developed an art form custom-made for creating lasting sculptures that trumpet Liberty. That art form came to be known as Fire Inside and it developed  into a ritual ceremony performed adjacent the fabled Temple there. We turned fire art inside-out just to plant a metaphysical seed — and shift a global art movement.


On our way to the Smithsonian...

Given Liberty (R)evolution’s rich provenance and pertinence, we want to share these attention-grabbing “wooden originals” into ever higher venues; museums, sculpture parks and privately owned, public spaces world-wide. If you know of any likely venues, we have the monuments and motivation to travel, so share your ideas! Freedom lovers need to make Liberty hip again with fresh symbols that inspire today and inform tomorrow.


Matthew “Timeless” Welter


Sculptor and Fire Meister

After a half century sculpting wood for private commissioners, at 61, Matthew Welter has come to be called “Timeless” in the trendsetting Burning Community. Timeless' studios reside in beautiful Grass Valley, CA. There, the artist maintains the original monuments that comprise the Liberty (R)evolution Collection. He vows to create more works for the collection, and replicate his existing monuments in bronze, for his remaining years. The artist plans to exhibit the collection in venues around the world. 


Timeless has written an article about his history in the cutting-edge community, discovering Fire Inside and creating Liberty (R)evolution. Just for finding this link, here's your exclusive peek:

Promethean Passion

(A deeper burn)



Joseph Stanton

Dirty Santa- Fire Spinning shot.jpg

Journeyman Apprentice, Webmaster, & Public Relations. 

Dreams of magic, adventure, and purpose have danced in my head all my life. Those dreams manifested into reality Burning Man 2014, where an epic adventure began by what can only be described as fate. It was my first year staying with Gallavant and little did I know my life was about to change forever. I happen to camp next to a chainsaw carver who burns massive monuments of wood on the playa. Now I’ve been leading his art instillations for over 4 years and have become full time artist myself. Burning Man changes lives, and can change the world if you ask me.

Background (Commission wood carvings):

Contact the artist: Matthew “Timeless” Welter / Tel: (775) 230-1718 

Location and mailing: 19163 Scotts Flat rd. Nevada City, CA 95959 

© 2017 by Fire Inside Art. 

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